The Council has acknowledged in a new policy that many of it’s employees have to deal with the daily demands of caring for dependants and dealing with emergency situations. It is also likely that some employees will find they need to provide long term care for a seriously ill dependant.
The new policy defines a carer as; someone who provides unpaid support to a dependant who is affected by long-term illness, disability or addiction who could not manage without this help. A dependant is the spouse, partner, parent, grandparent, civil partner or child of the employee, or anyone who lives with the employee as part of his/her family and is dependent on the employee.
The following options are available in the new policy:-
Flexible Working – can be temporary or permanent.
Emergency Carers Leave – usually short term with a maximum of 3 working days paid leave year. This will usually apply when; unforeseen and sudden serious ill health occurs with a dependant or care arrangements are temporarily disrupted or break down completely.
Carers leave (Paid) of up to 5 working days per leave year – this is in addition to Emergency Carers Leave and can be used flexibly in full/half days or occasional per hour times e.g. for administering medication or attendance at a hospital appointment.
Carers leave (Unpaid) of up to 12 weeks in a leave year. Time can be requested in individual blocks of no less than one week. The period of unpaid leave can be immediately fully deducted from the employee’s salary or the employee can opt for deductions from their salary over an extended period of time.
Carers leave (Terminal ill health) up to 6 months paid leave when dealing with the terminal ill health of a dependant (subject to GP certification).
UNISON believes this policy is a very positive step and will provide a huge benefit to those staff who desperately need to help and support their family. We are currently discussing details about the management and administration of the policy and would be keen to hear of any queries from our members.
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