Unfair Trade Agreements

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TTIP, the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership between the EU and US, is one of a raft of new, aggressively neo-liberal trade deals being negotiated around the world that, if passed, will hand unprecedented levels of power to multinational corporations. A similar agreement between the EU and Canada called the Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA) is at an even more advanced stage and if not stopped will be signed off next year. Under TTIP and CETA, big business will be able to sue governments when they take public policy decisions that affect profits; public services could be opened up to multinational companies; and hard won measures to protect workers’ rights, public health and the environment could be reduced or removed altogether.

But opposition on both sides of the Atlantic is growing.  Here in Scotland, a broad coalition of trade unions, anti-austerity campaigners, NGOs and local activists from across the country are working together to help stop TTIP. UNISON is central to this coalition and our General Political Fund is supporting its work through a £5,000 contribution.

Would you like to find out how to become part of the growing movement to stop TTIP and other similar trade deals, and what you can do locally?  The Scotland Against TTIP coalition can provide a speaker for a local branch meeting, materials for branch members to take away and read, and ideas for local activities to help stop TTIP.

Please contact the branch office if you would like further information.

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