We know the council wants ideas on how to save money. There’s no-one better placed to know where this is can be done than the people providing the Council’s services. THIS MEANS YOU!
You may or may not have attended one of the Public Consultations over the past week – there’re more next week if you’ve got the time to go along – or do it onlinehere. Whether you intend to go or have already gone to one or have decided it’s a waste of time, if you have an idea for saving money UNISON wants to know about it.
The Council is under more pressure than ever to cut costs. UNISON’s aim is to make sure this doesn’t include cutting the terms and conditions (or even jobs) of Public Sector workers. We intend to offer the Council ideas which they may not have thought of, or haven’t seriously considered before.
So let us know what you think – email UNISON at: info@unisondumfries.org.uk or contact us viaFacebook.
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