AGM, Thursday 9th of March 2017

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  1. Appointment of Chairperson
  2. Guest Speaker:
    • Mike Kirby, Scottish Secretary for UNISON
  3. Appointment of Scrutineers
  4. Minute of AGM meetings held March 2016
  5. Matters arising from the 2016 AGM meetings
  6. Treasurer’s Report, Accounts & Appointment of auditor
  7. Branch Officers Honoraria
  8. Election to Branch Posts and Delegations
  9. Branch Assessment
  10. Motions (see overleaf)
  11. AOCB with Question and Answer Session
  12. Close of Meeting

Venue: Council Chambers, English Street, Dumfries DG1 2DD

Time: 5:30 for 6:00pm

UNISON Dumfries & Galloway’s Annual General Meeting is YOUR chance to voice YOUR thoughts on the running of YOUR Branch.

Please come along and support the Officers and Stewards and help us to help YOU by showing Dumfries & Galloway Council that UNISON D&G is a living, breathing, thriving organisation; ready and able to hold our employer to account.



  1. One UNISON Branch for Dumfries & Galloway

Over the past year since the introduction of the Integrated Health and Social Care Partnership both NHS and Local Government Branches have been working closer together on matters that affect UNISON members.  We have already benefited by sharing Branch administrative support costs.  As a consequence of this closer working and with the realisation there is greater strength in numbers both Branch Committees believe the best interests of all of our members will be better served by one unified UNISON branch in Dumfries & Galloway.

This motion calls upon the Annual General Meeting of the Dumfries & Galloway Local Government Branch to support the merger of both the Local Government and NHS Branches of UNISON into one single Branch for the Dumfries & Galloway Region.

We urge our membership to support this motion and to remit the Branch Officers to;

as soon as possible thereafter.

Proposed by the Branch Executive


  1. Branch Communications

“This meeting recognises that Communication with our membership is vital to the functioning of UNISON. We welcome the recent development of a Branch website and the publication of a printed newsletter in December 2016. However, we consider that any such communication channels can only be effective if suitably managed and updated on a regular basis.

We call on the Branch Executive to make the development and maintenance of a Communications Strategy a key priority in its Branch Assessment Plan.”

Proposed by the Retired Members Section

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