NHS – 94% of UNISON members have voted to accept a pay deal

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“In this video Lilian Macer UNISON Scotland convener and Tam Waterson Chair of the Scottish Health Committee explain why we now want to negotiate on pay direct with the Scottish Government and not the UK NHS Pay Review Board. UNISON, Scotland’s biggest health union, is calling on the Scottish Government to set up formal structures to negotiate direct with NHS unions in Scotland, and officially leave the UK’s NHS Pay Review Body.


“Video produced by Walter Gaffney, UNISON Communications Committee Activist, for UNISON Scotland”.

This call came after NHS members voted to accept a new three year pay deal direct with the Scottish Government on 17 August 2018. This was after years of being given 1% pay rises from through UK’s NHS Pay Review Body. This was the first year UNISON Scotland had negotiated directly with Scottish Government.

The UK’s NHS Pay Review Body negotiates with health unions on pay on behalf of the NHS across the UK. UNISON members do not believe that the NHS Pay Review Body listens to their concerns. It has been calling on the Scottish Government to set up pay negotiating structures directly with unions in Scotland.

Thomas Waterson, chair of the UNISON Health Committee said: “Today I am pleased to announce that 94% of UNISON members have voted to accept a pay deal which will put an additional £400m into NHS workers pay packets in Scotland. This deal delivers real increases of between 3 and 27% for NHS workers in Scotland. The strong endorsement by UNISON members makes it clear that we do not need to wait cap in hand for the Pay Review Body. This institution as it stands is dead in the water.

Eighteen months ago some people said that we couldn’t negotiate a separate pay deal for NHS workers in Scotland. Then they said that we couldn’t negotiate a better deal for Scotland. The Scottish Government should commit now to develop negotiating structures in Scotland and allow us to self determine on pay.”

Matt McLaughlin, UNISON Scotland Head of Health said: “This is a good result for UNISON members and I am happy that across Scotland we reached out to and engaged with the vast majority of our members. Their decision is a ringing endorsement of the offer.”

UNISON was the only major union in NHS Scotland to recommend the deal to members and has engaged in a month long consultation process across Scotland.

The union consulted almost 60,000 NHS workers in Scotland in a four week ballot.

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