Pay Increase and Backdated Pay: Amounts and Timetable

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This is a short but important note to confirm that agreement has now been reached at a national level on the 2021/22 pay award for all public sector employees who are paid under SJC (Scottish Joint Council for Local Government Employees) terms and conditions of service.

This agreement includes most Dumfries and Galloway Council employees but does not apply to teachers or chief officers whose pay award negotiations haven’t concluded.

The details of the agreement, which covers the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, are:

• An £850 flat-rate increase in salary for all those who earn £25,000 per year or less.
• A 2% increase for those earning more than £25,000 and up to £40,000.
• A 1% increase for those earning more than £40,000 and up to £80,000.
• An £800 flat-rate increase in salary for all those earning over £80,000.

Although the pay uplift applies to the period from 1 April 2021, it will be extended to also cover the three months from January to March 2021, which increases the value of the one-off backdating/arrears payment. For example, the flat-rate pay uplift for all those who earn £25,000 or less will increase from £850 (for the year 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022) to around £1,060 before-tax. Please note, the actual amount you receive will vary depending on hours worked, and as with all pay it will be subject to National Insurance, tax and pension deductions.

In terms of timescales, here is when you will receive the extra money in your pay:

• Salaries paid on 15 January 2022 and every month thereafter will reflect the new pay rates (but not the backdating/arrears).
• Salaries paid on 15 February 2022 will also include the one-off backdating/arrears payment.

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