To mark LGBT+ History Month this year the STUC have organised two events. One for all LGBT+ Trade Unionists led by our STUC LGBT+ Committee and an event co-led by our STUC Young Workers’ Committee, LGBT Youth Scotland, and Glasgow Film Theatre.
Find below further details of both events.
LGBT+ Trade Unionists Effective Network, 16th of February, 6pm.
The STUC LGBT+ Committee will be holding a networking event for all LGBT+ Trade Unionists. The theme of the evening will be exploring the past, present and future as LGBT people/activists and role within the TU Movement. Mike Jack co-founder of Lesbian and Gays support the Miners will be a keynote guest speaker alongside a panel of LGBT+ Trade Unionists across the movement.
Come along to mark LGBT+ History Month, meet LGBT+ members/activists across the movement, how LGBT members can get more involved, and be part of an excellent discussion. Food/refreshments will be provided.
Please register here –
Youth Screening of the film PRIDE at Glasgow Film Theatre, 21st of February, 6pm.
The STUC Young Members Committee have worked with the Glasgow Film Theatre and LGBT Youth Scotland to secure a FREE screening of the film PRIDE.
A panel session discussion exploring the key themes of the film, issues facing young people/workers today, and how young workers’/people can get active, involved, and organised within the union movement will follow.
This is open to all members under the age of 30.
More information on the screening can be viewed here:
Please register here –
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