Report from the Branch Officers for Branch Executive Meeting on 10 April 2014.
Since the 13th March Executive meeting the Branch Office has supported members with the following matters;
- 2014/15 Local Government Pay; The imposed 2 year pay award which UNISON rejected was discussed at the Regional Local Government meeting further consideration will be given to UNISON’s response and reported to Branches.
- NORTH CASE Compensation Awards; UNISON lawyers have been continuing discussions with DGC and believe a settlement will be offered soon.
- Customer & Community Services; Started a 14 day Restructure Consultation period for A&E Leisure & Sport; Started a 30 Redundancy Consultation period on management cuts; Continuing discussions on the CSC/Library/Registration year 2 integration process and other 2014/15 budget savings.
- Education Service; Supporting Learners Review Meetings continue; Branch Officers attended the UNISON Scotland 600 hours pre-school legislation meeting, in Glasgow and a paper outlining the issues across Scotland will be sent to all Branches; Ongoing Learning Town discussions; Discussed departmental property team structures.
- Social Work; Continuing meetings about the management restructure and Residential care structures/rotas; Concerns with imposed changes to Standby payments have been discussed with HR and we expect these to be resolved soon, any underpayments will be reimbursed; Meeting with NHS Branch on integration and further meetings arranged by DGC/NHS management are scheduled.
- Chief Executive Service; Further discussion with HR on Matching Policy & Job Evaluation Appeals; Childcare Vouchers were agreed to be issued by DGC and we hope these will be available around Aug/Sept; Discussed DGC budget intention to review Employment Transitional Policies, no further details have been given to date.
- Regulatory Enforcement; Branch Secretary attended a Regional meeting to consider the problems new guidance could cause members, a UNISON response will be sent to the Scottish Government. The meeting was well attended with Trading Standards, EHO, MHS & Social Work reps.
- Meat Hygiene Service; A consultative ballot is being held regarding the pay offer of 0.75%, subject to meeting performance standards & a harmonisation of the 4 ex-MHS/FSA payscales into a London and a National rate.
- DGHP; Members have raised concerns about potential Terms & Conditions cuts.
- Branch Administration; Completed new web-site to be online end April; Finalised local Stewards induction training; Continued discussions on new office arrangements; Continuing to organise Learning & Development opportunities for members; Arranged HR training for Stewards on the new DGC Domestic Abuse & Fair Treatment at Work Policies.
- Dealt with about 800 items of email correspondence and also around a dozen general telephone enquiries each day; Includes Redundancy consultations; ongoing dismissal appeals; 3 ongoing Employment Tribunal requests to Scottish Region; Fair Treatment at Work issues; Health & Safety concerns including ongoing Personal Injury claims & Discrimination cases.
We respect members who choose not to take action on issues, but please look again at the matters outlined above and note that we need you to be proactive in supporting UNISON. Our members fought hard for the Terms and Conditions we have today but these are under serious threat. Non-members whinging that the unions do nothing for them are always the first to criticise us.
Please emphasise the good work UNISON is doing and encourage your colleagues to Join UNISON and support you now!