UNISON Life Long Learning & Personal Development Partnerships

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The Branch are contacting all employers asking to discuss the development of a Partnership to deliver Life Long Learning and Personal Development opportunities for their staff in Dumfries and Galloway.


UNISON is committed to the further development and promotion of learning for workers which will offer them both personal and vocational learning giving them greater confidence and skills which can enhance their abilities at work, career prospects and personal life.  UNISON can provide free training/learning offered by ourselves and our partners who include Scottish Union Learning, European Social Fund, Scottish Government, Open University and the Workers Educational Association (WEA).


The courses and workshops that we provide are extremely varied and can be tailored to the outcomes employers and our members want to achieve.   They are accredited, delivered at or near the workplace and are timed to fit in with work commitments.  UNISON already delivers Learning Opportunities for workers in a number of Local Authorities, Health Boards and the Police & Fire Service in Scotland.


Please encourage your employer to take part.

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