Vote Yes For Fair Pay!

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Why are we in dispute?

The Scottish Employers have imposed a pay award of 1% on our members from April 1, 2014. Further, they have refused to negotiate on UNISON’s claim for this period which was:

This action by the employers is unacceptable and shows a blatant disregard for the agreed bargaining structures and threatens the future of nationally agreed pay awards.

Vote yes for fair pay – you are worth it

Fair pay is worth fighting for. Given that the employers imposed 1%, it’s unsurprising they also refuse to negotiate on a justifiable pay claim. There’s no doubt it will take a programme of sustained industrial action to sway the employers, however, to do nothing will allow the employers to simply ignore the bargaining structures and impose lesser pay awards in the future.

UNISON Scotland has fought hard to end pay restraint and introduce fair pay for all our members. We need to send a strong message to our employers that we will not stand back and allow them to treat us in this way.

You deserve better

When UNISON members accepted the 1% pay increase for 2013 CoSLA immediately imposed the 2014 pay increase. Clearly they decided that this meant Council employees could be railroaded by this underhanded action. If we do not take action now, what will they do next!

Our Food Standards Agency Members have already taken strike action and UNISON members in England, Wales and Northern Ireland have already voted to take Industrial Action over pay and are taking action on 17th October. They have rejected the measley 1% offered and we need to do the same.

Without a decent level of pay we are struggling to pay our household bills let alone save for major items of spending. Payday loans, handouts and food banks are becoming a way of life for many of us.

It is unfair that people providing essential public services do not have a decent standard of living.

Please contact your local councillors- telephone them, email them, write to them or even collar them in the street – let them know how you feel about your pay and that you are voting YES.




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