UNISON D&G to fight austerity cuts via Council Elections

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UNISON D&G proposes independent candidates to stand in the 2017 Council Elections to challenge Council’s austerity cuts.

The following motion to approach other unions to support the idea was carried the Branch’s August Executive meeting:

“This motion calls upon the UNISON Dumfries Local Government Branch committee to make contact with sister trade unions in Dumfries & Galloway to discuss how the ongoing austerity cuts and their impact are being implemented across the region by Dumfries & Galloway council.

In particular this Branch is concerned about the number of jobs lost across the region, and the serious financial impact on workers’ wages and their families across our communities. These job losses not only affect the current post holders but also our young people who face ever more challenging barriers to obtaining quality paid employment.

The austerity measures implemented by the Council to date and potential future measures are having a detrimental effect on staffs moral and their financial health & wellbeing.

Unfortunately the Council, and in particular the administration, have not given proper consideration to suggestions made by the trade unions that would allow them to look at other options to fund any financial gaps, and have instead committed to saving £3m through attacks on staffs terms and conditions.

UNISON has over 4,500 members in Dumfries & Galloway, not to mention their friends and families. This motion calls upon the Branch to initiate a campaign across not only UNISON’s membership, but to also enter dialogue with our sister trade unions and the Dumfries Trades Union Council to consider options for fighting back against these attacks on the workforce.

This UNISON branch believes one of the options that should be considered is the standing of candidates in the 2017 local authority elections under the banner of Defend Our Public Services.

We believe Defend Our Public Services candidates should be used to highlight the detrimental effect that the Council’s cuts are having on the vital services that we provide, our communities, local businesses, families and their own workforce.”

UNISON D&G Stewards vent frustration at austerity cuts

UNISON D&G Stewards vent frustration at austerity cuts

Robert Rae, UNISON Regional Organiser said, “Unfortunately the council, and in particular the administration, have not given proper consideration to suggestions made by the trade unions [of] other options to fund any financial gaps and have instead committed to saving £3million through attacks on staff terms and conditions. Defend Our Public Services candidates would highlight the detrimental effect DGC’s cuts are having on vital public services”

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