Our Council faces significant budget challenges over the next 3 years as reported to Full Council on 12 December 2017.
From a net budget of £350m, our Council will have to deliver a further £50m over the next 3 years (£70m already saved over last 6 years). This is a significant challenge and management teams are reviewing how services are delivered and to identify ways to meet the savings requirement resulting in unwelcome but substantial reductions in our workforce.
Our Council, with the support of the Joint Trade Unions, continues to support no compulsory redundancies, therefore, to deliver the required reductions in our workforce our Early Retirement Voluntary Severance Scheme (ERVS) remains open for employees aged 50 and above.
This does not mean that all volunteers will be able to retire; however, every effort will be made to release staff provided there is a justifiable business reason for doing so. The practicalities of delivering services with less people means that early release may be delayed to the medium to longer-term (1-3 years) and in some cases, the request may be refused on operational grounds.
If you expressed an interest on or after February 2016 and were unsuccessful or you withdrew your application then you do not need to re-apply and a further communication will be issued to you by Friday 12 January.
If you have not applied previously or since February 2016 and would like to register your interest then please get in touch so we can start the conversation with you. You can phone our ERVS helpdesk: 62835/65186 [internal] or 030 33 33 3003 [external]
Teachers are covered by a different scheme and teachers who express an interest will be given details of their scheme.
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