Council Pay Offer

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So what is the new pay off you may ask !!!

The full offer from the Councils to the unions-
COSLA is now proposing an offer which covers a three year period, from 1 April 2018 to 31 March 2021. If agreed the award for 2018 will be backdated to the 1 April 2018 application date. They key elements of the offer are:
 2018/19 – an increase of 3.5 per cent for everyone earning up to £80,000 (for those earning above this a flat rate of £1600 will apply.)
 2019/20 – an increase of 3 per cent.
 2020/21 – an increase of 3 per cent.
 In each of these three years the Scottish Local Government Living Wage will rise by the percentage uplift referred to above.
 Full consolidation of the Living Wage, with Councils aiming to achieve this by March 2021. In exceptional circumstances, and where agreed with the Joint Trade Unions, an extension to this can be agreed, which will incorporate a firm commitment of a final implementation date for consolidation of 2022.
 Reaffirmation of COSLA’s policy statement on pay parity across the Local Government workforce.
 A commitment to re-open negotiations with the Joint Trade Unions in the event of another Local Government bargaining group’s total pay offer value being revised such that it becomes greater than the sum agreed between COSLA Employers and the SJC Trade Unions for the SJC workforce for the period of the agreement.

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