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15th June 2022.

Local Government Conference Saturday 11th June 2022. 

J’an, David and Phil travelled to Brighton on Saturday for the Local Government Conference’s first session that evening at 5.30pm. Where they joined comrades from all over the UK. Travelling all day and despite transport delays they got there on time. Debates took place with voting on motions over the three days.

National Conference started on Tuesday 14th June 2022.

People from various UNISON branches, UK wide, put their points forward, as activists believe in fairness and equality and the best outcomes for our Members.

Tuesday’s session in National Delegate Conference NOT IN MY NAME  – Second motion. This motion was moved by Jill Weir from Omagh & Fermanagh, Northern Ireland Branch.

There was a protest by several delegates standing and turning their backs to the podium. Conference was called to order, so that the president could make his address.

There were many speakers for this motion from the platform. This motion took up most of the day and went onto late afternoon. We got to vote on the motion, that was carried. However, a card vote was called for, within the rules of conference, and Delegates across conference had to get their card vote booklet and post it into the card vote box. We are still awaiting the result.

With not a lot of the day left Elizabeth Cameron, National Black Members Committee, delivered a number of very interesting points before closing the day.

The three delegates attended a fringe meeting directly after conference on Ukraine and Proportional Representation for Westminster and why it matters to UNISON.


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